POPIA requires responsible parties to promptly identify without undue delay possible personal information breaches which may cause harm to data subjects. This course will ensure staff possesses sufficient technical knowledge to effectively detect suspected personal information breaches.
The Staff Training to Identify a Data Breach Course provides employees with an understanding of what are personal information breaches and how to identify a personal information breach in the workplace. In this course, employees will learn about personal information breaches from:
- access by an unauthorised third party
- deliberate or accidental action (or inaction) by a controller
- sending personal data to an incorrect recipient
- computing devices containing personal data being lost or stolen
- alteration of personal data without permission
- loss of availability of personal data.
Course details
The course ends with a short quiz of ten questions. This is necessary to confirm knowledge transfer to the employee.
Once your registration is confirmed, this elearning course can be accessed via the eLearning Platform using the credentials provided to you.
Cancellation/Refund Policy
All purchases of online learning courses are final. Access to the online learning courses and materials is immediate upon purchasing; therefore no refunds or exchanges will be provided. Prices are subject to change without notice.
This course can be taken any time after registration.
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